Rev. Dr. Edwin Lehman Funeral Announcement
It is with sadness mixed with great heavenly joy that we the family of Rev. Dr. Edwin Lehman invite you to the Celebration of the Grace of God in Edwin’s life at his Funeral Service on
December 20th @ 11am
at Concordia Lutheran Church, 5420 - 19A Ave NW, Edmonton, AB, in person
or online (via YouTube @ concordialutheranchurch3482)
A copy of the Funeral Service Power Point slides will be available for download at
Those wishing to pay their respects may do so before the Service from 10:00 am – 10:45 am.
All LCC clergy coming to the Service are invited to please bring your vestments with white stole to participate as an Honour Guard. Following our Worship all are invited to please stay for refreshments and fellowship.
The Interment Service will begin at 2:45 pm at Evergreen Cemetery, 16102 Fort Road, NW, Edmonton, AB. Arrangements are being made by South Side Memorial Funeral Home.
